Saturday, February 14, 2009

5 dishes to allow women more women

5 dishes to allow women more women 

Women health care body slimming 

Raw vegetables, the most healthy, tomatoes can become snacks, potatoes will be fertility ... ... is it? The answer may be beyond your expectations! Low-calorie, nutrition, comprehensive features, so vegetables become synonymous with health and slender, as long as the food vegetables on it foolproof? 
1.also eat 
As the saying goes, radish vegetables, all have love. People's attitude towards all kinds of vegetables there are great differences, this is why? Study has confirmed that the same vegetable in different genotypes blind taste (Taste the feeling of genes) Taste of the population are different, for example, some people think spinach is Shibuya, and some people do not think how bitter bitter gourd. As a result, the eyes of one person by another sweet as bitter medicine, people have the habit of vegetables produced on the enormous differences in demand does not come. 

2. Vegetables = vitamin 
     "Eat vegetables are required in order to supplement the body of vitamins?" Hush, small little voice it! Let heard such a variety of vegetables that will花容pale with anger, in order to understand your style! This came as lush forests, flowers do not smell, do not hear birds, can see only the timber eyeful. 
Why eat vegetables? Traditional seven major types of nutrients Thousands of modern plant species the existence of chemical substances are not adequate to sum up the good vegetables because they are a natural pairing only in the original ecological bussan can be obtained, each one vegetables, Each fruit is so wonderful, is not a vitamin you high I low so simple. 
Only to eat, eat only the regular comprehensive in order to obtain complete nutrition from vegetables, they are them, not a vitamin. 
3. Tomato most suitable when the fruit snacks 
Mingming tomatoes are vegetables, some people like it as a fruit and snacks to be eaten raw. Diabetic patients to eat, weight loss also eat; eat when hungry, eat when to eat. Tomatoes that can not eat such a security. 
Acid tomatoes are eaten together, and this is because it is rich in organic acids. Fasting, when to eat it will increase gastric acidity, is not only a threat to the protection of the lack of chyme digestive tract mucosa, but also stimulate the appetite, so that dieting dreams dashed. This shows that tomatoes are not suitable as a snack. Furthermore, tomatoes rich in lycopene, the absorption of such components can not be separated from the dissolved fat food, and only come on had to do. Therefore, raw tomatoes are not suitable when hungry, not suitable for this fragile gastrointestinal function. 
4. Potatoes, ruined a good build 
   One type of potato has a lot of vegetables, taro, yam, lotus root, water chestnuts, and Lily, in many people's eyes they are not vegetables, and shall be vested in one cake, rice queue. Potatoes are roughly the energy contained in food are 1 / 4, various leafy vegetables are 4 times (the same as under the weight); However, potatoes for example, contains vitamin C is not only higher than the grains, but also higher than the mung bean sprouts , Toona sinensis, Chinese cabbage, spinach, or even rape them. In nutritional value, the potatoes were present on the dual characteristics, will be difficult to pass the French underground called apple potatoes. 
5. Vegetables have been able to retain their youth 
Vegetables such as the youth on the woman, unable to retain. Whether frozen, sealed, or taking advantage of such as do not eat it fresh. 
With the increase in the number of days storage, vegetables in the vitamin would be gradually lost, damage. And nutrition and the loss of contrast, the nitrite content of vegetables are stored with a long period of time and gradually increased, this material will enable the normal hemoglobin into methemoglobin, loss of oxygen carrying capacity, nitrite acute poisoning occur bruising , dyspnea, and chronic long-term carcinogenic effects more people. In addition, MOISTURE vegetables, vulnerable to the growth of mold, producing a variety of fungal toxins, not only attached to the surface, but also infiltrated into the deep, even if the heating are not clear.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Gastropathy in patients with tongue to see the situation

Gastropathy in patients with tongue to see the situation 

Digestive Disease Health Doctor 

Gastropathy in patients with a careful attention to their own tongue, and often will find some difference: some particularly thick and greasy, and some black, some yellow, some spalling. A long tongue is abnormal, other people will be reminded of good intentions: to see if there Gastropathy! In fact, the tongue is indeed able to reflect changes in diseases, particularly some of the laws of the spleen and stomach disease. 
How to observe and analyze the Tongue 
also have learned to natural, tongue relaxed, flat blade of tongue, tongue slightly downward, mouth Zhang as far as possible (but not too hard), so that the tongue body fully exposed. such as excessive force, or tongue tension, twist will affect the tongue caused by the blood running tongue color change or the tongue do the humidity changes. 
Tongue tongue should be the order of a general look at the tongue, look at the tongue, the tongue side, and finally watch the tongue base and at the same time look Tongue (tongue) of the color quality and the thickness of tongue fur, color and so on. 
Observation of two key points in the main observation of tongue tongue tongue and two aspects of change. Tongue --- What color was? Shapes are fat or thin? Texture are dead are rong? Activities are flexible and easily? --- Quality tongue moss are thick are thin, are run are dry? Carex colors are white or yellow-brown? 
Tongue Normal Tongue Normal characteristics can be summarized in six words: "Light thin white tongue moss", specifically, light red tongue color clear, moisten tongue, tongue size, soft, flexible, uniform tongue, thin white and Run. 
Tongue changes in general by a thin tongue into the thickening for the disease, by thinning thick for. Gastropathy in patients with a common tongue, as in: 
Thin white moss --- disease early, disease , Wei Qi is not injured; 
Tongue by the thin thickness, color, becoming a bit by the white yellow, light red tongue from the red side of tongue, and tongue side of teeth and India --- have exacerbations, suggesting dyspepsia, gastrointestinal have, etc.; 
Tongue discolored from white, red tongue tip side --- have hot like; 
Tongue by the yellowing brown, or brown-black, but less dry Tianjin, dark red tongue edge sharp change --- hot Sheng, many with dry stool; 
White thick and greasy tongue coating, tongue surface has a layer of white mucus --- dampness; 
Thick and greasy yellow tongue coating, red tip tongue edge --- heat; 
Red purple-red tongue sharp edges, or even change --- purple blood stasis phlegm; 
Mamillata no moss, blade of tongue smooth as a mirror --- stomach yin deficiency; tongue light peel, pale tongue --- Yin Deficiency. 
Based on the above Tongue different performance, combined with the smell, ask, cut, and other diagnostic methods of Chinese medicine can make a comprehensive analysis, carried out the Differential Treatment of the individual. 
Anomalies can be nursed back to health Tongue 
Tongue thick, has the tone of a person if the perennial very thick tongue and bad breath, a general description of the stomach a bit small problem. If there is no other feeling of discomfort can be nursed back to health from eating to start living. Maintain patterns of life unpleasant emotions ease, eat easily digestible food, eat more vegetables, fruit, eat less fatty, fried food, it is best not to drink, not to smoke. After a period of tone, abnormal tongue and tone is expected to self-healing. 
Black tongue, if only to see this abnormal sharp tongue and the tongue side of the red light was normal, and no other obvious discomfort, sometimes a "stain" phenomenon. Patients may be eating some food coloring, or taking certain drugs. Such as serving "Livzon Sidel," can appear black moss, but also black stool; use of antibiotics, and sometimes also black moss. The above are not sick, not have to be keyed. However, in patients with normal stomach observed heavier black moss should be vigilant, if the tongue tip side was dark red, green and even purple on exacerbations, it is timely to go to hospital for treatment.

5-style yoga help you help the entire gastro-intestinal digestion

5-style yoga help you help the entire gastro-intestinal digestion 

Yoga Movement fatigue health 

Lunar New Year vacation many greasy foods, high calorie, eating and drinking, coupled with long-term watching TV, table try their luck, do not think fat is immune, yoga coach said: "The maintenance of the body before a holiday, sports are a certain want. This is a few yoga moves to stimulate, massage the digestive organs, and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, allowing the resumption of U.S. slender! " 

Locust type 1 
Function: to strengthen the back to prevent lower back pain;  improve breathing, useful for all intra-abdominal organs, enhance digestion, urinary and reproductive systems. 
1, ready Action: is to lie on the yoga mat, face, the palms facing down. 
2, slow breath to chest, abdomen, gluteus maximus and thighs up to maintain the 3-5 after deep breathing to relax, a row 3 times. 
NOTE: After practicing the best half-back tortoise-style relaxation. 
Second, boat - 
Function: to strengthen spinal muscle groups, strong abdominal muscles and stimulate the stomach massage. 
Note: beginners leg and parallel to the floor. 
1, ready Action: feet sit on the yoga mat knees. 
2, to be physically stable, micro-admission chest spine straight jaw, legs straight up, eyes flat as the front to stay 3-5 deep breath. 
Three spine-type reverse 
Function: abdominal massage to stimulate gastrointestinal motility, and promote digestion. 
Note: when turning the pelvis forward to maintain the integrity intact. 
1, ischial sitting on his knees, another cross-legged in the lateral thigh, buttocks as close as possible to yoga mats. 
2, exhaled slowly straighten the spine, rotating body to the limit and stay 3-5 deep breath, close eyes and chin look beneath the floor oblique shoulders. 

4 touch-knee style 
Function: abdominal massage to help digestion and excretion function of abdominal blood circulation, health reproductive system. 
Note: try to straighten the thigh, back to maintain integrity. 
1, sitting feet close together and straight legs ensure that the ischium on the floor. 
2, inhale and then slowly exhaled, then head to the abdomen near the thigh chest, index finger and middle finger with the thumb will big toe closer to the physical direction, stay 3-5 deep breath. 
Five cat style 
Function: strengthen muscles flexibility, stimulate the abdominal cavity, enhance digestion and immune system. 
Note: Do not over-inflection spondylopathy. 
1, ready posture quadruped kneeling position, inhale slowly to the direction of the navel to the spine up the body. 
2, slow breath to raise his chin, the eyes look to the ceiling. 
3, bending his elbow and his hands and affixed to the vertical light on the chin yoga mat. 
4, then slowly move your hands straight, 3-5 to stay to complete the cat-style deep breathing exercises. 
Note: people who suffer from hunger by injuries chance to do sports 
Many people have misconceptions when hungry to do that exercise, weight loss will enable better, in fact, the concept is wrong, so not only reduces the intensity of exercise, amounting to less than the effect of movement, but also vulnerable to low blood sugar caused by the attention lack of concentration, movement error and increase the chance of injury. 
Annual leave during the rest of life is not usually the law of New Year's high-calorie and high-You Yan cooking methods can easily lead to gastrointestinal discomfort. Today, introduce a few yoga moves, massage can stimulate the abdominal cavity, and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, effective way to help digestion, so that we can face food thin, the more healthy. If coupled with a 30-minute walk after dinner, or simple low-impact aerobic exercise, but also can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, so that a healthier digestive system.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

White vinegar glycerin super whitening method to save money and effective

beauty skin care beauty diet
Anyone want to re-white white one, but the store, and James point edge whitening beauty products are too expensive to death. Would like to whitening, but also wish to save money, today I come to teach you one trick glycerol whitening DIY --- white vinegar
Glycerin: It is recommended that supermarkets buy online fake more.
White vinegar: must have "food brewing" the kind of signs.
Mineral Water: Evian brand.
Spray bottle: Watson has to sell.
Material ratio:
White vinegar: glycerol: water = 1:2:4
NOTE: To do as much as possible the proportion of accurate, as far as possible the amount of energy Cup Cup, do not be lazy.
1, wash after using the mixture to spray on hand, I remember that we must do, and then beat his hands on his forehead, cheeks, chin ... ... Do not use your eyes. The first time have a little excitement, it is not adapted to normal skin, do not worry. The first volume of less sprayer once is enough.
2, after finishing with a moisturizing facial massage, moisturizing brand open.
Remember: This method can only be used at night, do not use during the day.