Friday, February 13, 2009

Gastropathy in patients with tongue to see the situation

Gastropathy in patients with tongue to see the situation 

Digestive Disease Health Doctor 

Gastropathy in patients with a careful attention to their own tongue, and often will find some difference: some particularly thick and greasy, and some black, some yellow, some spalling. A long tongue is abnormal, other people will be reminded of good intentions: to see if there Gastropathy! In fact, the tongue is indeed able to reflect changes in diseases, particularly some of the laws of the spleen and stomach disease. 
How to observe and analyze the Tongue 
also have learned to natural, tongue relaxed, flat blade of tongue, tongue slightly downward, mouth Zhang as far as possible (but not too hard), so that the tongue body fully exposed. such as excessive force, or tongue tension, twist will affect the tongue caused by the blood running tongue color change or the tongue do the humidity changes. 
Tongue tongue should be the order of a general look at the tongue, look at the tongue, the tongue side, and finally watch the tongue base and at the same time look Tongue (tongue) of the color quality and the thickness of tongue fur, color and so on. 
Observation of two key points in the main observation of tongue tongue tongue and two aspects of change. Tongue --- What color was? Shapes are fat or thin? Texture are dead are rong? Activities are flexible and easily? --- Quality tongue moss are thick are thin, are run are dry? Carex colors are white or yellow-brown? 
Tongue Normal Tongue Normal characteristics can be summarized in six words: "Light thin white tongue moss", specifically, light red tongue color clear, moisten tongue, tongue size, soft, flexible, uniform tongue, thin white and Run. 
Tongue changes in general by a thin tongue into the thickening for the disease, by thinning thick for. Gastropathy in patients with a common tongue, as in: 
Thin white moss --- disease early, disease , Wei Qi is not injured; 
Tongue by the thin thickness, color, becoming a bit by the white yellow, light red tongue from the red side of tongue, and tongue side of teeth and India --- have exacerbations, suggesting dyspepsia, gastrointestinal have, etc.; 
Tongue discolored from white, red tongue tip side --- have hot like; 
Tongue by the yellowing brown, or brown-black, but less dry Tianjin, dark red tongue edge sharp change --- hot Sheng, many with dry stool; 
White thick and greasy tongue coating, tongue surface has a layer of white mucus --- dampness; 
Thick and greasy yellow tongue coating, red tip tongue edge --- heat; 
Red purple-red tongue sharp edges, or even change --- purple blood stasis phlegm; 
Mamillata no moss, blade of tongue smooth as a mirror --- stomach yin deficiency; tongue light peel, pale tongue --- Yin Deficiency. 
Based on the above Tongue different performance, combined with the smell, ask, cut, and other diagnostic methods of Chinese medicine can make a comprehensive analysis, carried out the Differential Treatment of the individual. 
Anomalies can be nursed back to health Tongue 
Tongue thick, has the tone of a person if the perennial very thick tongue and bad breath, a general description of the stomach a bit small problem. If there is no other feeling of discomfort can be nursed back to health from eating to start living. Maintain patterns of life unpleasant emotions ease, eat easily digestible food, eat more vegetables, fruit, eat less fatty, fried food, it is best not to drink, not to smoke. After a period of tone, abnormal tongue and tone is expected to self-healing. 
Black tongue, if only to see this abnormal sharp tongue and the tongue side of the red light was normal, and no other obvious discomfort, sometimes a "stain" phenomenon. Patients may be eating some food coloring, or taking certain drugs. Such as serving "Livzon Sidel," can appear black moss, but also black stool; use of antibiotics, and sometimes also black moss. The above are not sick, not have to be keyed. However, in patients with normal stomach observed heavier black moss should be vigilant, if the tongue tip side was dark red, green and even purple on exacerbations, it is timely to go to hospital for treatment.

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