Thursday, February 26, 2009

In today

In today’s real estate market, many of the homes that become available are sold in the first few days they are on the market and sometimes even sooner. It is truly in the new home owner’s best interest to have a loan pre-approval letter before even starting the home search. In fact, I always submit my client’s purchase offer with a copy of their pre-approval letter. It proves to the seller that you are really serious about purchasing the home and that you will have no problems qualifying for a loan. That alone could help you win out over another person who wants to buy the same house.

What he didn

What he didn’t count on was his wife’s income. When they sat down with the mortgage lender and answered just a few questions, they were surprised that they could move into a much nicer neighborhood than they had originally thought. Their children are in a better school district and they are very happy in their new home.

On the other side of the coin

On the other side of the coin, there once was a client that was the exact opposite. He was looking in neighborhoods that his coworkers lived in. His logic was that they all made about the same amount of money so they should all be able to afford the same area.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Email Screening and Processing

Email Screening and Processing. The business owner set up a separate email address of something like: "" For all general questions and inquiries, he or she used this email address. The email was then automatically sent to the virtual assistant who answered the questions from the business owner's prepared script. For all other general

Unlike employees, attorneys do not pay their virtual assistant for
time they spend daydreaming or being non-productive.
Virtual assistants charge their attorney clients either a flat fee for a
particular job or an hourly fee based upon accurate reporting from
time-tracker software installed on their computer.

messages and forwarded them back to the business owner by email

messages and forwarded them back to the business owner by email. This helped to reduce interruptions and allowed the calls to be handled at a more appropriate time by the business owner.
Event Planning. The business owner provided the details of the event to the virtual assistant by email. The virtual assistant contacted all the parties, located the proper size meeting room, scheduled the air flights and other transportation, then followed up with the attendees to confirm the date, time and location. This saved the business owner a great deal of time, plus it helped to make the entire meeting a smoother operation because it was so well organized.

PowerPoint Presentations

PowerPoint Presentations. The business owner used the virtual assistant to prepare PowerPoint slides which were used in meetings, training seminars and online presentations that were displayed on the company website.

Voice Mail Retrieval. The virtual assistant retrieved the voice mail of the business owner several times per day. He or she sorted and organized the

Because virtual assistants work from their home office
with fewer interruptions — they usually have more time
to provide attorneys with a higher level of detail
that saves law firms thousands of dollars!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Although discouraged and slightly irritated, Matt

Although discouraged and slightly irritated, Matt
didn't give up. He began meeting with other attorneys
in the area (and through online bulletin boards) asking
them for their input and advice on how to handle such
a heavy workload and increase the profits for his law
firm. Unfortunately, most of the debtor bankruptcy

Expand your bankruptcy services for the elderly and
handicapped who have difficulty traveling to your office.
Send a virtual assistant to conduct the client intake interview
in the client’s home at the client’s convenience.

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

How to Increase Profits for Your Law Firm

written by

coordinator held a Master's Degree and was extremely
intelligent, she had never started her own business
from the ground up. Her knowledge only came from
courses she had studied at college, books she had
read and working with other business owners and
gaining knowledge from the experience of others.
Although the suggestions the office coordinator made
were excellent for law firms who had money to invest –
Matt needed suggestions that would NOT cost him any
more money. He needed ideas that would cut his
costs immediately and increase the efficiency in his
office. The office coordinator did not clearly understand Matt's needs which again cost him time and
money; plus put him back to Square One for the
second time.

Matt then decided to contact an office coordinator

Matt then decided to contact an office coordinator
who specialized in analyzing small businesses and
offering suggestions in order to maximize their profits.
The office coordinator was very expensive but Matt felt
if she could save him time and money it would be
worth the investment. However, even though the office

If you have an internet connection, it doesn’t matter where your
virtual assistant is located. All communication is electronic.
You now have the freedom to choose from thousands of virtual
assistants and not be limited to your area alone.