Saturday, February 14, 2009

5 dishes to allow women more women

5 dishes to allow women more women 

Women health care body slimming 

Raw vegetables, the most healthy, tomatoes can become snacks, potatoes will be fertility ... ... is it? The answer may be beyond your expectations! Low-calorie, nutrition, comprehensive features, so vegetables become synonymous with health and slender, as long as the food vegetables on it foolproof? 
1.also eat 
As the saying goes, radish vegetables, all have love. People's attitude towards all kinds of vegetables there are great differences, this is why? Study has confirmed that the same vegetable in different genotypes blind taste (Taste the feeling of genes) Taste of the population are different, for example, some people think spinach is Shibuya, and some people do not think how bitter bitter gourd. As a result, the eyes of one person by another sweet as bitter medicine, people have the habit of vegetables produced on the enormous differences in demand does not come. 

2. Vegetables = vitamin 
     "Eat vegetables are required in order to supplement the body of vitamins?" Hush, small little voice it! Let heard such a variety of vegetables that will花容pale with anger, in order to understand your style! This came as lush forests, flowers do not smell, do not hear birds, can see only the timber eyeful. 
Why eat vegetables? Traditional seven major types of nutrients Thousands of modern plant species the existence of chemical substances are not adequate to sum up the good vegetables because they are a natural pairing only in the original ecological bussan can be obtained, each one vegetables, Each fruit is so wonderful, is not a vitamin you high I low so simple. 
Only to eat, eat only the regular comprehensive in order to obtain complete nutrition from vegetables, they are them, not a vitamin. 
3. Tomato most suitable when the fruit snacks 
Mingming tomatoes are vegetables, some people like it as a fruit and snacks to be eaten raw. Diabetic patients to eat, weight loss also eat; eat when hungry, eat when to eat. Tomatoes that can not eat such a security. 
Acid tomatoes are eaten together, and this is because it is rich in organic acids. Fasting, when to eat it will increase gastric acidity, is not only a threat to the protection of the lack of chyme digestive tract mucosa, but also stimulate the appetite, so that dieting dreams dashed. This shows that tomatoes are not suitable as a snack. Furthermore, tomatoes rich in lycopene, the absorption of such components can not be separated from the dissolved fat food, and only come on had to do. Therefore, raw tomatoes are not suitable when hungry, not suitable for this fragile gastrointestinal function. 
4. Potatoes, ruined a good build 
   One type of potato has a lot of vegetables, taro, yam, lotus root, water chestnuts, and Lily, in many people's eyes they are not vegetables, and shall be vested in one cake, rice queue. Potatoes are roughly the energy contained in food are 1 / 4, various leafy vegetables are 4 times (the same as under the weight); However, potatoes for example, contains vitamin C is not only higher than the grains, but also higher than the mung bean sprouts , Toona sinensis, Chinese cabbage, spinach, or even rape them. In nutritional value, the potatoes were present on the dual characteristics, will be difficult to pass the French underground called apple potatoes. 
5. Vegetables have been able to retain their youth 
Vegetables such as the youth on the woman, unable to retain. Whether frozen, sealed, or taking advantage of such as do not eat it fresh. 
With the increase in the number of days storage, vegetables in the vitamin would be gradually lost, damage. And nutrition and the loss of contrast, the nitrite content of vegetables are stored with a long period of time and gradually increased, this material will enable the normal hemoglobin into methemoglobin, loss of oxygen carrying capacity, nitrite acute poisoning occur bruising , dyspnea, and chronic long-term carcinogenic effects more people. In addition, MOISTURE vegetables, vulnerable to the growth of mold, producing a variety of fungal toxins, not only attached to the surface, but also infiltrated into the deep, even if the heating are not clear.

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