Saturday, February 21, 2009

Actions that improve your credit score

Actions that improve your credit score.

To be in control of your credit rating in the future, you need to know how your actions.
affect your credit score, and especially those actions that will improve the score. Ideally,.
you should use no more that 50% of the credit available to you at any one time. Having a.
history of paying down various types of debt is also key, so if you have had credit cards,.
a mortgage, auto loan and student loan, and diligently pay each off, this will also add.
points to your score. The length of time that you retain credit accounts in good standing.
also affects your score. In general, any show of stability will improve your score, so you.
should avoid frequent changes in credit card accounts, bank accounts, employment and.
home addresses. .
The road to escaping poor credit can be a long one, but taking the time to educate.
yourself on what actions improve credit and what resources are available to help your.
situation is a step in the right direction. .
If this e-book has been helpful to you, we hope you will pass a copy along to others that.
can benefit from it..

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